ARISTOS was born in in the Chateau of Vosne Romanée in 2003.

It was the result of a long night, discussing wine, terroir, life and everything else with world renowned terroir expert Pedro Parra, winemaker Francois Massoc and Louis Michel Liger-Belair, one of the top producers of Burgundy in the world. The next morning, while walking the vineyards of Vosne-Romanée, the comitment to create a real Burgundy-Chilean project was made.

The first idea was to go for Pinot Noir, but it was not posible. The Chilean masal material for Pinot Noir at that time in Chile was terrible, and Pedro's terroir knowledge for Pinot was just starting. So,they  decided to start ARISTOS making trial after trial for Merlot, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay; always looking for a terroir that could produce world class, drinkeable and balanced wines. 

Their first comercial vintage was 2007, with two wines and only 12 barrels; Baron 2007 - a blend of different varieties, mainly Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah. Total production was 10 barrels - and Duquesa 2007 - a 15 years old Chardonnay coming from Coya, the highest vineyard planted in the Andes Mountain Range. Not near the Andes as usual, but IN the Andes. This climate provided a spectacular natural acidity for our the wine.  

For 2008, total production was 20 barrels, with 10 of Duquesa 2008 and 10 of Duque 2008, their 100% Cabernet Sauvignon coming from the highest Cabernet vineyard planted in Chile over alluvial soils. The wine is a blend of 4 different micro terroirs, all coming from the same soil but with different amounts of clay and gravel size.  

In just a few short years, ARISTOS is already being talked about as one of the most important wineries in Chile, and with the planting of 2.5 hectares of Pinot Noir in Bio Bio, these wines are going to be some of the most sought after wines from South America.